
September 2013 ~ Your Quotes Diary
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Nothing Can Hurt You Without Your Permission

Nothing that is outside of you can affect you. Nothing outside of you can make you feel sad, angry, weak, or dishearted, without your permission.

Nothing that is outside of you can affect you.
Nothing outside of you
can make you feel sad, angry,
weak, or dishearted
      without your permission.

Poverty And Love

When poverty comes, love flies out the window.

When poverty comes,
love flies out the window.

Beautiful Sunday Morning

It's a beautiful Sunday morning and a great opportunity to thank the Lord for everything!  Happy Sunday!

It's a beautiful Sunday morning
and a great opportunity
to thank the Lord for everything!

Happy Sunday!

Picture Credits To Mrs. Jenny Matecki

Love - Hurts - Relationship Quotes

  • Someone asked, "how does it feel to love someone who loves someone else? "After a deep breath, I said, it's like hugging a cactus. The tighter u hug the more it hurts."
  • Where would you choose to go? To the left where nothing is right? Or to the right where nothing is left?
  • Sometimes it's best being alone & silent coz in that way, you can't hurt others & others don't have the opportunity to hurt you!
  • It hurts when we risk our heart and it ends up being broken, but what hurts more is when we still hold on when we already know we are waiting for nothing.

Love And Hurt

When you love someone, you are giving them the right to hurt you.

 When you love someone,
you are giving them the right to hurt you.

Sometimes It's Better To Let Go Of Someone Just To See Them Happy

Sometimes, letting go of someone you love will feel better than to see them unhappy with you. It's called unselfishness...

letting go of someone you love
will feel better
than to see them unhappy with you.
It's called unselfishness...

Some Says They Hate Lies And Liars

Thinks it's funny that some people say they hate lies and liars, but suddenly it seems they are the biggest liars themselves...

Thinks it's funny that some people say
they hate lies and liars,
but suddenly it seems they are the biggest liars themselves...

There's A Rainbow On The Other Side After The Storm

You can't predict what life is going to throw at you. All you can do is ride through the storm and hope to see a rainbow on the other side.

You can't predict what life is going to throw at you.
All you can do is ride through the storm and
hope to see a rainbow on the other side.

The Difference of Boys And Girls

A boy's eye is faster than Google in searching a good looking girl in a crowd, but a girl's heart is slower than a turtle in forgetting a boy  whom she loved.

A boy's eye is faster than Google
in searching a good looking girl in a crowd,
but a girl's heart is slower than a turtle in forgetting a boy 
whom she loved.

Today Is A Gift, That's Why We Call It The Present

Yesterday is history... Tomorrow is a mystery... Today is a gift... That's why it's called the present...!

Yesterday is history...
Tomorrow is a mystery...
Today is a gift...
That's why it's called the present...!

When It Rains, It Pours

When it rains, it pours. True in most of our lives. But know that after every storm...the sun will eventually shine and a rainbow will soon follow. .

 When it rains, it pours.
True in most of our lives.
But know that after every storm...the sun will eventually shine
and a rainbow will soon follow. .

Good Morning

Good morning! Every morning we woke up is a blessing...

Good morning!
Every morning we woke up is a blessing...

Happiness and Pain From The Same Person

It's amazing how a person can give you so much happiness and that same person can cause you so much pain. You never see it coming...

It's amazing how a person can give you so much happiness
and that same person can cause you so much pain.
You never see it coming... 

Afraid To Lose The Feeling

I’m scared of walking out of this room and never feeling the rest of my whole life the way I feel when I’m with you.....   -Dirty Dancing

I’m scared of walking out of this room
and never feeling the rest of my whole life the way I feel
when I’m with you.....

 -Dirty Dancing